Linking Verbs Notes – English Grammar Notes PDF for Academic and Competitive Exams

Linking Verbs Notes: Linking verbs, also known as copulative verbs, are a type of verb that is used to connect the subject of a sentence to a predicate noun or predicate adjective. The most common linking verb is the verb “to be,” but other verbs such as “seem,” “appear,” and “become” can also function as linking verbs. In this blog, we will explore linking verbs in detail and provide examples to illustrate their usage.

Examples of Linking Verbs

Examples of Linking Verbs:

  • The flowers in the garden are beautiful. In this sentence, “are” is the linking verb that connects the subject “flowers” to the predicate adjective “beautiful.”
  • She seems tired after her long day at work. Here, “seems” is the linking verb that connects the subject “she” to the predicate adjective “tired.”
  • The cake smells delicious. In this sentence, “smells” is the linking verb that connects the subject “cake” to the predicate adjective “delicious.”
  • The baby appears content after his meal. Here, “appears” is the linking verb that connects the subject “baby” to the predicate adjective “content.”
  • The water in the pool feels cold. In this sentence, “feels” is the linking verb that connects the subject “water” to the predicate adjective “cold.”

As you can see from these examples, linking verbs do not show action, but rather serve to connect the subject of a sentence to a predicate noun or adjective. They are an essential part of English grammar and are used in many different types of sentences, including statements, questions, and commands.

It’s important to note that sometimes a verb can function both as an action verb and a linking verb, depending on how it is used in a sentence. For example, in the sentence “The children became tired after playing outside all day,” “became” is a linking verb that connects “children” to the predicate adjective “tired.” However, in the sentence “The children became restless and started running around,” “became” is an action verb that shows the children undergoing a change.

In conclusion, linking verbs are an essential part of English grammar and are used to connect the subject of a sentence to a predicate noun or adjective. They do not show action but rather serve to provide additional information about the subject. Understanding linking verbs is key to writing clear and effective sentences.

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