Non Finite Verbs Notes – English Grammar Notes PDF for Academic and Competitive Exams

Non Finite Verbs Notes: In grammar, verbs can be classified as finite and non-finite verbs. Non-finite verbs are verbs that are not limited by a subject, number, or tense. Unlike finite verbs, they do not indicate person or number and are not inflected for tense or aspect. In this blog post, we will discuss non-finite verbs in detail, along with examples.

Non Finite Verbs

There are three types of non-finite verbs: infinitives, participles, and gerunds.

  1. Infinitives: Infinitives are the base form of a verb, preceded by the word ‘to.’ They are used to express the purpose or intention of an action. Examples:
  • To walk in the park is my favorite pastime.
  • She likes to read novels before sleeping.
  • He wants to become an astronaut.
  1. Participles: Participles are verb forms that function as adjectives. There are two types of participles: present participles and past participles.
  • Present participles: They end in -ing and describe an ongoing action. Examples:
    • The running water sounded peaceful.
    • She saw the crying baby on the street.
  • Past participles: They usually end in -ed, -en, or -t and describe a completed action. Examples:
    • The broken vase lay on the floor.
    • The stolen car was found by the police.
  1. Gerunds: Gerunds are verbs that function as nouns and end in -ing. They are used as the subject of a sentence, object of a verb, or object of a preposition. Examples:
  • Swimming is a good exercise.
  • She enjoys dancing in the rain.
  • Reading books is her hobby.

In conclusion, non-finite verbs do not express tense, person, or number, and can function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs. They are an essential part of English grammar and are used extensively in writing and speaking.

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