Quiz on Present Continuous Tense – English Grammar Quiz for Academic and Competitive Exams

Quiz on Present Continuous Tense: Welcome to our English quiz on Present Continuous Tense blog, where you can sharpen your language skills and learn new grammar rules! In this blog, we will cover a wide range of English quiz on Present Continuous Tense. English quiz on Present Continuous Tense will have a set of questions that will challenge your understanding of the English language and help you improve your grammar skills. Our goal is to create an interactive platform for learning and self-improvement, so stay tuned for regular updates and exciting quizzes. Are you ready to put your grammar knowledge to the test? Let’s get started!

Quiz on Present Continuous Tense

What is the correct present continuous tense of the sentence “I ____ my homework now.”?
a) am doing
b) do
c) does
d) doing

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Answer: a) am doing


What is the correct present continuous tense of the sentence “She ____ her best to finish the project.”?
a) is trying
b) trying
c) tries
d) try

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Answer: a) is trying


Which sentence is in the present continuous tense?
a) She will be running in the race.
b) He ran a marathon yesterday.
c) They are playing soccer right now.
d) I have eaten breakfast already.

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Answer: c) They are playing soccer right now.


What is the present continuous tense of the verb “eat”?
a) eats
b) eating
c) ate
d) will eat

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Answer: b) eating


Which sentence is in the present continuous tense?
a) She eats breakfast every day.
b) He is reading a book.
c) They will be singing at the concert.
d) I have studied for the test.

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Answer: b) He is reading a book.


What is the correct present continuous tense of the sentence “I ____ a lot of water today.”?
a) am drinking
b) drink
c) drinks
d) drank

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Answer: a) am drinking


Which sentence is in the present continuous tense?
a) She danced at the party last night.
b) He is teaching a class right now.
c) They will eat dinner soon.
d) I have visited that museum before.

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Answer: b) He is teaching a class right now.


What is the present continuous tense of the verb “sleep”?
a) sleeps
b) sleeping
c) slept
d) will sleep

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Answer: b) sleeping


What is the correct present continuous tense of the sentence “They ____ basketball in the park.”?
a) plays
b) playing
c) play
d) will play

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Answer: b) playing


Which sentence is in the present continuous tense?
a) She will eat lunch in an hour.
b) He is watching a movie.
c) They danced at the wedding last weekend.
d) I have finished my homework already.

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Answer: b) He is watching a movie.


What is the present continuous tense of the verb “write”?
a) writes
b) writing
c) wrote
d) will write

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Answer: b) writing


Which sentence is in the present continuous tense?
a) She will travel to Europe next month.
b) He is playing guitar.
c) They went to the beach yesterday.
d) I have never tried sushi before.

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Answer: b) He is playing guitar.


What is the correct present continuous tense of the sentence “She ____ to her friend on the phone.”?
a) talks
b) talking
c) talk
d) will talk

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Answer: b) talking


Which sentence is in the present continuous tense?
a) She reads a book every night.
b) He is cooking dinner.
c) They visited the museum last week.
d) I have written a letter to my friend.

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Answer: b) He is cooking dinner.


What is the present continuous tense of the verb “run”?
a) runs
b) running
c) ran
d) will run

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Answer: b) running


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