Quiz on MS PowerPoint – Computer Quiz for Academic and All Competitive Exams

Quiz on MS PowerPoint: Welcome to our Computer quiz on MS PowerPoint blog, where you can test your knowledge of technology and learn new concepts! In this blog, we will cover a wide range of Computer quiz on MS PowerPoint. Computer quiz on MS PowerPoint will have a set of questions that will challenge your understanding of the Computer terms and help you improve your skills. Our goal is to create an interactive platform for learning and self-improvement, so stay tuned for regular updates and exciting quizzes. Are you ready to put your tech skills to the test? Let’s get started!

Quiz on MS PowerPoint

What is Microsoft PowerPoint used for?
A. Spreadsheets
B. Presentations
C. Text documents
D. Photo editing

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Answer: B. Presentations


What is a slide in Microsoft PowerPoint?
A. A folder where you can store files
B. A place to write notes
C. A page in a presentation
D. A chart or graph

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Answer: C. A page in a presentation


What is the default extension for a Microsoft PowerPoint file?
A. .xls
B. .pptx
C. .docx
D. .pdf

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Answer: B. .pptx


What is the shortcut key to start a new slide in Microsoft PowerPoint?
A. Ctrl + N
B. Ctrl + O
C. Ctrl + M
D. Ctrl + S

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Answer: C. Ctrl + M


What is the shortcut key to duplicate a slide in Microsoft PowerPoint?
A. Ctrl + D
B. Ctrl + C
C. Ctrl + V
D. Ctrl + X

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Answer: A. Ctrl + D


What is the shortcut key to undo the last action in Microsoft PowerPoint?
A. Ctrl + X
B. Ctrl + C
C. Ctrl + V
D. Ctrl + Z

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Answer: D. Ctrl + Z


What is the shortcut key to redo the last action in Microsoft PowerPoint?
A. Ctrl + X
B. Ctrl + C
C. Ctrl + V
D. Ctrl + Y

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Answer: D. Ctrl + Y


What is the shortcut key to copy selected text or an object in Microsoft PowerPoint?
A. Ctrl + X
B. Ctrl + C
C. Ctrl + V
D. Ctrl + Z

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Answer: B. Ctrl + C


What is the shortcut key to cut selected text or an object in Microsoft PowerPoint?
A. Ctrl + X
B. Ctrl + C
C. Ctrl + V
D. Ctrl + Z

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Answer: A. Ctrl + X


What is the shortcut key to paste copied or cut text or an object in Microsoft PowerPoint?
A. Ctrl + X
B. Ctrl + C
C. Ctrl + V
D. Ctrl + Z

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Answer: C. Ctrl + V


What is the shortcut key to save a Microsoft PowerPoint file?
A. Ctrl + S
B. Ctrl + N
C. Ctrl + O
D. Ctrl + P

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Answer: A. Ctrl + S


What is the shortcut key to open an existing Microsoft PowerPoint file?
A. Ctrl + S
B. Ctrl + N
C. Ctrl + O
D. Ctrl + P

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Answer: C. Ctrl + O


What is the shortcut key to start a slideshow in Microsoft PowerPoint?
A. F5
B. F6
C. F7
D. F8

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Answer: A. F5


What is the shortcut key to go to the next slide in a slideshow in Microsoft PowerPoint?
A. Spacebar
B. Enter
C. Arrow right
D. Arrow down

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Answer: C. Arrow right


What is the shortcut key to go to the previous slide in a slideshow in Microsoft PowerPoint?
A. Spacebar
B. Enter
C. Arrow left
D. Arrow up

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Answer: C. Arrow left


What is the shortcut key to end a slideshow in Microsoft PowerPoint?
A. Esc
B. F5
C. F6
D. F7

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Answer: A. Esc


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