Quiz on Indefinite Pronouns – English Grammar Quiz for Academic and Competitive Exams

Quiz on Indefinite Pronouns: Welcome to our English quiz on Indefinite Pronouns blog, where you can sharpen your language skills and learn new grammar rules! In this blog, we will cover a wide range of English quiz on Indefinite Pronouns. English quiz on Indefinite Pronouns will have a set of questions that will challenge your understanding of the English language and help you improve your grammar skills. Our goal is to create an interactive platform for learning and self-improvement, so stay tuned for regular updates and exciting quizzes. Are you ready to put your grammar knowledge to the test? Let’s get started!

Quiz on Indefinite Pronouns

Choose the correct sentence:
a) Everyone should bring their own lunch
b) Everyone should bring his own lunch
c) Everyone should bring her own lunch
d) Everyone should bring its own lunch

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Answer: a) Everyone should bring their own lunch


Choose the correct sentence:
a) Somebody left their phone on the table
b) Somebody left his phone on the table
c) Somebody left her phone on the table
d) Somebody left its phone on the table

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Answer: a) Somebody left their phone on the table


Choose the correct sentence:
a) Each student should bring his or her own calculator
b) Each student should bring their own calculator
c) Each student should bring its own calculator
d) Each student should bring his own calculator

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Answer: a) Each student should bring his or her own calculator


Choose the correct sentence:
a) Many wants to travel the world
b) Many people want to travel the world
c) Many of them wants to travel the world
d) Many of them want to travel the world

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Answer: b) Many people want to travel the world


Choose the correct sentence:
a) Anyone can do it if they put their mind to it
b) Anyone can do it if he puts his mind to it
c) Anyone can do it if she puts her mind to it
d) Anyone can do it if it puts its mind to it

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Answer: a) Anyone can do it if they put their mind to it


Choose the correct sentence:
a) Some loves coffee, while others love tea
b) Some love coffee, while others love tea
c) Some of them love coffee, while others love tea
d) Some of them loves coffee, while others love tea

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Answer: b) Some love coffee, while others love tea


Choose the correct sentence:
a) None of us like to be told what to do
b) None of us likes to be told what to do
c) None of us liking to be told what to do
d) None of us liked to be told what to do

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Answer: b) None of us likes to be told what to do


Choose the correct sentence:
a) Someone should help him with his luggage
b) Someone should help he with his luggage
c) Someone should help him with their luggage
d) Someone should help his with his luggage

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Answer: a) Someone should help him with his luggage


Choose the correct sentence:
a) Nothing is more important than your health
b) Nothing are more important than your health
c) Nothing is more important than yours health
d) Nothing are more important than yours health

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Answer: a) Nothing is more important than your health


Choose the correct sentence:
a) Many of the students is studying for the exam
b) Many of the students are studying for the exam
c) Many of the student is studying for the exam
d) Many of the student are studying for the exam

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Answer: b) Many of the students are studying for the exam


I don’t have ______ apples left.
a) some
b) many
c) few
d) several

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Answer: a) some


______ of us will be chosen to present at the conference.
a) few
b) several
c) both
d) neither

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Answer: b) several


He had _____ difficulty solving the math problem.
a) some
b) many
c) few
d) several

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Answer: c) few


_____ of the cakes were eaten at the party.
a) some
b) many
c) few
d) several

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Answer: d) several


___ of the students in the class passed the exam.
a) some
b) many
c) few
d) several

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Answer: a) some


I need to buy ___ groceries for dinner tonight.
a) some
b) many
c) few
d) several

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Answer: a) some


_____ people believe that dogs are better than cats.
a) some
b) many
c) few
d) several

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Answer: b) many


______ of the books in the library are checked out.
a) some
b) many
c) few
d) several

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Answer: b) many


_______ students are absent from school today.
a) some
b) many
c) few
d) several

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Answer: b) many


______ of the guests at the party brought a gift.
a) some
b) many
c) few
d) several

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Answer: a) some


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