Officers List in Mughal Empire – Medieval Indian History Notes PDF in English & Hindi for all Competitive Exams

Officers List in Mughal Empire: This list provides an overview of the key officers and officials in the Mughal Empire’s administrative structure. The empire’s administration was characterized by a hierarchical system with well-defined roles and responsibilities aimed at maintaining the empire’s governance and stability.

Officers List in Mughal Empire

The Mughal Empire had a well-structured administrative system with various officers and officials responsible for governing the empire efficiently. Here is a list of some key officers and officials in the Mughal administrative hierarchy:

  1. Emperor (Badshah): The Mughal Emperor was the ultimate authority in the empire and held both political and religious power. All decisions of the state were made in the emperor’s name.
  2. Wazir (Prime Minister): The Wazir was the chief minister and the second most powerful person in the empire after the emperor. They oversaw the day-to-day administration, advised the emperor, and managed the royal court.
  3. Diwan (Revenue Minister): The Diwan was responsible for revenue collection and financial matters. They maintained revenue records, assessed taxes, and managed the treasury.
  4. Mir Bakshi (Military Commander): The Mir Bakshi was in charge of the imperial army and responsible for recruitment, promotions, and military affairs. They often held a high rank in the nobility.
  5. Mir Saman (Chief Steward): The Mir Saman was responsible for the emperor’s household, including managing the imperial kitchen, court entertainers, and various aspects of palace administration.
  6. Qazi (Islamic Judge): Qazis administered Islamic law and presided over Islamic courts. They played a crucial role in settling disputes and ensuring justice according to Islamic principles.
  7. Sadr (Religious Head): The Sadr held a prominent position in religious matters, overseeing religious endowments, promoting religious orthodoxy, and supervising religious institutions.
  8. Amir-ul-Umara (Noble of Nobles): The Amir-ul-Umara was the highest-ranking noble under the emperor and often held multiple positions, including governorships and military commands.
  9. Subahdar (Provincial Governor): Subahdars governed the provinces or subahs of the empire. They were responsible for maintaining law and order, revenue collection, and defense in their regions.
  10. Faujdar (District Commander): Faujdars were military commanders responsible for specific districts within a province. They had administrative and law enforcement duties.
  11. Kotwal (City Police Chief): Kotwals were responsible for maintaining law and order in cities. They supervised the police force, ensured public safety, and regulated urban activities.
  12. Dewan-e-Kohi (Agricultural Revenue Officer): Dewan-e-Kohis assessed and collected agricultural revenue (kharaj) from farmers in their jurisdictions.
  13. Dewan-e-Ard (Land Revenue Officer): Dewan-e-Ards were responsible for assessing and collecting land revenue (mal) from landowners and cultivators.
  14. Hakim (Physician): Hakims served as royal physicians and were responsible for the health and well-being of the emperor and the royal family.
  15. Daroga (Administrator): Darogas were administrators responsible for various functions such as maintaining public buildings, overseeing markets, and managing public works.
  16. Karkuns (Clerks and Scribes): Karkuns performed administrative tasks such as record-keeping, drafting official documents, and maintaining correspondence.
  17. Munshis (Secretaries): Munshis were responsible for correspondence, translations, and administrative paperwork, particularly in Persian, the official language of the Mughal court.

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