Moplah Rebellion of 1921 – Modern Indian History Notes PDF in English & Hindi for all Competitive Exams

Moplah Rebellion of 1921: The Moplah Rebellion of 1921 remains a subject of historical study and debate, with various perspectives on its causes, conduct, and consequences. It serves as a reminder of the diverse and multifaceted nature of India’s struggle for independence.

Moplah Rebellion of 1921

The Moplah Rebellion of 1921, also known as the Malabar Rebellion, was a significant anti-British and anti-landlord uprising that took place in the Malabar region of Kerala, India. The rebellion was characterized by its complex mix of political, religious, and social factors and is a notable event in the history of India’s struggle for independence. Here are the key features and consequences of the Moplah Rebellion of 1921:


  1. Economic Distress: The Malabar region had a history of agrarian problems, including exploitative land tenure systems, high land revenue, and oppressive landlords. Economic grievances played a crucial role in the rebellion.
  2. Religious Factors: The Moplahs, who were predominantly Muslim, believed that the British colonial government, landlords, and upper-caste Hindus were threats to their faith and way of life. They perceived the rebellion as a religious duty to protect their interests.
  3. Influence of Khilafat Movement: The Khilafat Movement, which aimed to protect the Ottoman Caliphate, was active in India during this period. It influenced the Moplahs and contributed to their anti-British sentiment.

Key Events:

  1. Outbreak of Violence: The rebellion began in August 1921, with violent clashes between Moplahs and British authorities, as well as Hindu landlords. The rebellion quickly spread to various parts of the Malabar region.
  2. Atrocities and Massacres: The rebellion was marked by instances of violence, including attacks on landlords, the killing of British officials, and atrocities against civilians, particularly Hindus.
  3. Suppression by British: The British colonial administration responded to the rebellion with a military crackdown. British forces and Gurkha troops were deployed to suppress the uprising, leading to significant casualties and destruction.

Consequences and Impact:

  1. Suppression of the Rebellion: The British were ultimately successful in quelling the Moplah Rebellion, but it came at a heavy cost in terms of lives and property.
  2. Repression and Trials: In the aftermath of the rebellion, the British authorities conducted mass arrests and trials of individuals associated with the uprising. Many Moplah leaders were sentenced to prison or execution.
  3. Legacy: The Moplah Rebellion left a lasting impact on the Malabar region and Indian history. It has been a subject of historical debate and discussion, with varying interpretations about the nature of the rebellion and its significance in the broader context of the Indian independence movement.
  4. Communal Tensions: The rebellion exacerbated communal tensions between Muslims and Hindus in the Malabar region, leading to strained relations for years to come.
  5. Historical Interpretations: The Moplah Rebellion is a subject of differing interpretations. While some view it as a heroic struggle against British and feudal oppression, others criticize the violence and its impact on communal harmony.
  6. Role in Freedom Movement: The rebellion demonstrated the impact of the Khilafat Movement on certain segments of the Indian population and its role in galvanizing anti-British sentiment. It also highlighted the complex interplay of economic, religious, and political factors in anti-colonial movements.

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