Modal Verbs Notes – English Grammar Notes PDF for Academic and Competitive Exams

Modal Verbs Notes: Verbs are an essential part of any sentence as they describe actions, events, and states of being. Modal verbs are a special type of auxiliary verb that express ability, possibility, permission, or obligation. They are called “modal” because they indicate the mode or attitude of the speaker towards the action or state expressed by the verb.

Modal Verbs

Modal verbs are used to add meaning to the main verb in a sentence. They are used before the main verb and do not change their form according to the subject. In English, there are nine modal verbs: can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, and would.

Here is a breakdown of each modal verb with examples:

  1. Can: This modal verb is used to express ability or possibility.


  • I can swim.
  • Can you come to the party tonight?
  1. Could: This modal verb is used to express past ability, polite request, or suggestion.


  • When I was younger, I could run faster.
  • Could you please pass me the salt?
  • We could go to the beach instead of the park.
  1. May: This modal verb is used to express possibility, permission, or uncertainty.


  • It may rain later today.
  • May I go to the restroom?
  • I may be late for the meeting.
  1. Might: This modal verb is used to express possibility or uncertainty.


  • I might go to the gym later.
  • She might not come to the party.
  1. Must: This modal verb is used to express necessity, obligation, or strong recommendation.


  • I must finish my homework before tomorrow.
  • You must be at the airport at least two hours before your flight.
  • You must see the new movie, it’s amazing.
  1. Shall: This modal verb is used to make suggestions or give orders.


  • Shall we go to the cinema tonight?
  • You shall clean your room before going out.
  1. Should: This modal verb is used to express advice, recommendation, or expectation.


  • You should eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • We should finish the project by Friday.
  1. Will: This modal verb is used to express future action, willingness, or promise.


  • I will meet you at the train station tomorrow.
  • She will always love you.
  • He will help you move next week.
  1. Would: This modal verb is used to express polite requests, preference, or hypothetical situations.


  • Would you like to come to dinner with us?
  • I would rather watch a movie than go out.
  • If I had more time, I would learn a new language.

In conclusion, modal verbs are an important part of English grammar, adding nuance and specificity to the main verb in a sentence. By using these verbs correctly, you can express your ideas and intentions more clearly and effectively.

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