Khilji Dynasty – Medieval Indian History Notes PDF in English & Hindi for all Competitive Exams

Khilji Dynasty: The Khilji Dynasty, with Alauddin Khilji as its most prominent ruler, played a crucial role in the history of the Delhi Sultanate and the Indian subcontinent during the medieval period. Their military campaigns, administrative policies, and cultural contributions left a lasting legacy in the region.

Khilji Dynasty

The Khilji Dynasty was the second ruling dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate, following the Mamluk Dynasty. It is known for its military conquests, expansion of the Delhi Sultanate, and notable rulers. Here are key points about the Khilji Dynasty:

1. Origin:

  • The Khilji Dynasty was founded by Jalal-ud-din Khilji, who ascended to the throne in 1290 AD after overthrowing the last ruler of the Mamluk Dynasty.

2. Alauddin Khilji (1296-1316):

  • Alauddin Khilji is the most famous and significant ruler of the Khilji Dynasty.
  • He is known for his military campaigns, including expeditions to South India and the Deccan.
  • Alauddin’s reign witnessed significant administrative reforms, including the introduction of the “Dagh” (branding) system for horses and the establishment of a separate department for intelligence gathering.
  • He is also known for building the Alai Darwaza, a grand gateway at the Qutb Minar complex.

3. Conquests:

  • Alauddin Khilji extended the boundaries of the Delhi Sultanate significantly through military conquests.
  • He conquered Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and parts of South India, making the Sultanate one of the largest empires in India at the time.

4. Administrative Measures:

  • Alauddin implemented several administrative measures to strengthen the state.
  • He introduced market reforms, controlled prices of essential commodities, and established a sophisticated intelligence network.

5. Economic Policies:

  • Alauddin is known for his market regulations, particularly the “Diwan-i-Kohi” system, which aimed to ensure fair distribution of agricultural produce and prevent hoarding.

6. Cultural Impact:

  • The Khilji Dynasty, under Alauddin, patronized Persian culture and literature.
  • The court of Alauddin Khilji was adorned with poets, scholars, and artists, contributing to the development of a rich cultural milieu.

7. Decline:

  • After Alauddin Khilji’s death, the dynasty faced internal strife and a series of weak rulers.
  • The decline of the Khilji Dynasty opened the way for the Tughlaq Dynasty to ascend to power in the Delhi Sultanate.

8. Legacy:

  • The Khilji Dynasty is remembered for its military achievements and the expansion of the Delhi Sultanate’s territorial boundaries.
  • Alauddin Khilji’s administrative and economic reforms had a lasting impact on the governance of the Delhi Sultanate.

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