Interjections Notes – English Grammar Notes PDF for Academic and Competitive Exams

Interjections Notes: Interjections are words or phrases that are used to express emotions or sentiments. They are often used in casual or informal communication to convey a speaker’s mood, attitude, or feelings. Interjections are not grammatically related to the rest of the sentence and can stand alone as a sentence or be placed within a sentence. They can be used to express surprise, joy, pain, anger, disgust, or a range of other emotions.

Examples of Interjections

Here are some examples of interjections and their meanings:

  • Wow! – expresses surprise, admiration or wonder.
  • Oops! – expresses regret or mistake.
  • Yay! – expresses joy or excitement.
  • Ouch! – expresses pain or discomfort.
  • Uh-oh! – expresses concern or alarm.
  • Eww! – expresses disgust or revulsion.
  • Hurray! – expresses triumph or success.
  • Shh! – expresses a request for silence.
  • Phew! – expresses relief or a sense of release.
  • Ahem! – expresses a request for attention.

Interjections can also be formed by using words such as “well,” “oh,” “hey,” and “ah.”

It’s important to note that interjections should be used sparingly in formal writing, as they are more commonly used in informal spoken language. They can, however, be used to add emotion or emphasis to written dialogue or creative writing.

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