Indefinite Pronouns Notes – English Grammar Notes PDF for Academic and Competitive Exams

Indefinite Pronouns Notes: Indefinite pronouns are a type of pronoun that refer to non-specific people, places, things, or ideas. They can be used to avoid repetition, but they can also create ambiguity in a sentence. In this blog, we will explore the definition of indefinite pronouns, provide examples, and discuss their usage.

Indefinite Pronouns

Indefinite pronouns are a type of pronoun that refer to non-specific people, places, things, or ideas. They can be singular or plural and can be used as subjects, objects, or possessive pronouns. Some common indefinite pronouns include: anyone, everyone, someone, nobody, anything, everything, something, none, some, any, and several.

Examples of Indefinite Pronouns

  • Anyone can do it.
  • Everything is going well.
  • Someone left their jacket here.
  • I didn’t see anyone at the party.
  • None of the cakes were eaten.
  • Several people were interested in the job.

Usage Tips

When using indefinite pronouns, it is important to be aware of the potential ambiguity they can create. For example, the sentence “Someone left their jacket here” can be confusing because it is unclear who left the jacket. To avoid ambiguity, it is better to use a specific pronoun or name, such as “John left his jacket here.”

It is also important to match the indefinite pronoun with the appropriate verb. For example, “anyone” and “everyone” are singular, so they should be used with a singular verb form. However, “some” and “several” are plural, so they should be used with a plural verb form.

In addition, be aware of the different forms of indefinite pronouns. For example, “any” and “some” can be used as determiners or pronouns, while “none” and “nothing” can be used as pronouns or adverbs.

Finally, it is important to note that indefinite pronouns can be used to avoid repetition and make sentences more concise. For example, instead of saying “John, Mary, and Susan all left their jackets here,” you can say “Someone left their jacket here.”


Indefinite pronouns are a useful tool in the English language, but they can also create ambiguity if used improperly. By understanding the definition and examples of indefinite pronouns, you can improve your communication skills and create clearer, more effective sentences.

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