First Round Table Conference 1930 – Modern Indian History Notes PDF in English & Hindi for all Competitive Exams

First Round Table Conference 1930: The First Round Table Conference, despite its limitations and the absence of key Indian leaders, marked an important step in the constitutional discussions that would eventually shape the course of India’s political future. It highlighted the complexities and challenges in creating a consensus on the terms of self-governance in a diverse and politically dynamic country like India.

First Round Table Conference 1930

The First Round Table Conference was a significant political event that took place in London, England, from November 12, 1930, to January 19, 1931. It was convened by the British government as part of its efforts to discuss constitutional reforms for India. The conference brought together various Indian political leaders, British officials, and representatives of the princely states to deliberate on India’s political future. Here are the key features and outcomes of the First Round Table Conference:


  1. Simon Commission: The need for constitutional reforms in India had been a subject of discussion since the Simon Commission was appointed in 1927. The Simon Commission’s lack of Indian representation had led to widespread protests in India, prompting the British government to consider dialogue with Indian leaders.
  2. Civil Disobedience Movement: In the backdrop of the conference, Mahatma Gandhi had initiated the Civil Disobedience Movement in India in March 1930, which included acts of nonviolent resistance, protests, and boycotts of British goods.

Key Features:

  1. Participants: The First Round Table Conference was attended by a diverse group of participants, including leaders from various political parties and communities in India, British officials, representatives of the princely states, and experts in various fields.
  2. Three Main Groups: The conference participants were divided into three main groups to deliberate on different aspects of constitutional reforms:
    • Group A: This group included representatives from various political parties in India, with a focus on self-governing provinces.
    • Group B: Comprising delegates from princely states, this group discussed the role of princely states in a future Indian federation.
    • Group C: This group considered minority interests, including the representation of religious and ethnic minorities.
  3. Congress Boycott: The Indian National Congress, the largest political party in India, boycotted the conference in protest against the imprisonment of its leaders, including Mahatma Gandhi, as well as the absence of a clear commitment to dominion status and full self-rule.


  1. Partial Agreements: The First Round Table Conference did not result in a comprehensive agreement on constitutional reforms for India. However, there were partial agreements on certain issues, such as minority rights and the representation of princely states in a future Indian federation.
  2. Breakdown of Talks: The discussions at the conference were marked by differences between the participants and failed to achieve a consensus on crucial matters, including the nature of the future Indian federation and the role of the princely states.
  3. Congress Participation: The British government had hoped that the conference would help garner support for its proposed constitutional reforms. The failure to secure Congress participation was a setback to their efforts.
  4. Subsequent Conferences: Following the First Round Table Conference, a Second Round Table Conference was held in 1931 and a Third Round Table Conference in 1932. These conferences continued the discussions on constitutional reforms but did not lead to a comprehensive agreement.
  5. Long-Term Impact: The Round Table Conferences played a role in shaping the constitutional developments that eventually led to the Government of India Act of 1935 and, ultimately, the transfer of power and independence for India in 1947.

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