Computer Virus – Computer Notes PDF for Academic and Competitive Exams

Computer Virus: In today’s digital age, computer viruses have become a significant concern for computer users. A computer virus is a type of malicious software that can damage or steal data from a computer system. In this blog, we will explore what a computer virus is, its types, and how to protect your system from it. Computer viruses are a significant concern for computer users. They can cause damage to the system and steal personal data. Being aware of the types of viruses and taking preventive measures can help protect your system from viruses and ensure that your data is secure.

What is a Computer Virus?

A computer virus is a program that replicates itself by modifying other programs or files on a computer system. The virus can spread from one computer to another, and it can cause damage to the system, such as deleting or corrupting files, stealing personal information, or damaging hardware components.

Types of Computer Virus

Types of Computer Viruses are:

  • File Infectors: These viruses attach themselves to executable files, such as .exe or .com files, and spread by infecting other files on the system.
  • Boot Sector Virus: These viruses infect the boot sector of a hard drive or a floppy disk, making it difficult to boot the system.
  • Macro Viruses: These viruses attach themselves to macro-enabled documents, such as Microsoft Word documents, and spread by infecting other documents on the system.
  • Email Viruses: These viruses spread through email attachments and infect the system when the attachment is opened.
  • Worms: Worms are self-replicating programs that can spread over a network without any user interaction.

Protect Your System from Computer Virus

Steps to Protect Your System from Computer Viruses:

  • Install Antivirus Software: Antivirus software is designed to detect and remove viruses from your system. It is essential to keep your antivirus software up-to-date to protect against the latest threats.
  • Keep Your Operating System Up-to-Date: Software updates often include security patches to fix vulnerabilities that could be exploited by viruses.
  • Be Cautious of Email Attachments: Do not open email attachments from unknown senders or suspicious emails.
  • Use Strong Passwords: A strong password can prevent unauthorized access to your system and protect your data from being stolen.
  • Back Up Your Data: Backing up your data regularly can ensure that you do not lose important files if your system is infected with a virus.

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By Team Learning Mantras

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