Classification of Conductors – Class 12 | Chapter – 14 | Physics Short Notes Series PDF for NEET & JEE

Classification of Conductors: Conductors are materials that allow electricity or heat to flow through them easily. These materials have free electrons that are loosely bound to their atoms, which allows them to move freely in response to an electric field. Conductors typically have low resistance to electrical current, which means that they can transmit electrical signals or power with little loss. Metals are the most common conductors, but other materials such as electrolytes, plasma, and some semiconductors can also conduct electricity. Copper and aluminum are two of the most commonly used metals as electrical conductors in power transmission, electrical wiring, and electronic circuits.

Classification of Conductors

Conductors can be classified into different categories based on various criteria. Here are some common classification of conductors:

  • Metallic Conductors: Metallic conductors are materials made of metal atoms that have free electrons, such as copper, aluminum, silver, and gold. These materials are good conductors of electricity due to the high mobility of their free electrons.
  • Non-Metallic Conductors: Non-metallic conductors are materials that are not made of metal atoms but still have free electrons, such as graphite, which is a form of carbon. Graphite is used in pencils because it can conduct electricity from the tip to the paper.
  • Electrolytic Conductors: Electrolytic conductors are materials that can conduct electricity through the movement of ions in an electrolyte solution, such as saltwater or battery acid. In this case, the ions, not the electrons, carry the electric current.
  • Plasma Conductors: Plasma is a state of matter where atoms are ionized and broken down into charged particles, such as in lightning or in fluorescent lights. Plasma can conduct electricity because of the movement of its charged particles.
  • Semiconductors: Semiconductors are materials that have properties in between those of conductors and insulators. They can conduct electricity under certain conditions, such as when exposed to light or heat, but otherwise act as insulators. Silicon and germanium are two common semiconductors used in electronics.
  • Superconductors: Superconductors are materials that can conduct electricity with zero resistance at very low temperatures. They are used in applications such as MRI machines, particle accelerators, and power transmission lines.

These are some common classification of conductors based on their properties and characteristics. The classification of a conductor depends on the materials and conditions under which it is used.

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