Biofertilizers – Class 12 | Chapter – 10| Biology Short Notes Series PDF

Biofertilizers are natural fertilizers made from microorganisms that provide essential nutrients to plants. They are used as an alternative to chemical fertilizers and are considered environmentally friendly. Biofertilizers can be made from various types of microbes such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria, phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria, and mycorrhizal fungi. The microorganisms in biofertilizers help to improve soil fertility, increase crop yields, and promote plant growth by providing essential nutrients and improving soil structure. Biofertilizers are commonly used in organic farming, sustainable agriculture, and in areas where chemical fertilizers are not easily accessible or affordable.

Advantages of Biofertilizers

  • Cost-effective: Biofertilizers are cheaper than chemical fertilizers.
  • Environmentally friendly: Biofertilizers do not release harmful chemicals into the soil, air, and water, making them an environmentally sustainable option.
  • Improved soil health: Biofertilizers promote soil health by fixing nitrogen, improving soil structure, and increasing the availability of essential plant nutrients.
  • Increased crop yield: Biofertilizers have been shown to increase crop yields, particularly in low-input agricultural systems.
  • Increased crop tolerance to stress: Biofertilizers can help crops to better tolerate stress from factors such as drought and high temperatures.
  • Reduced dependence on chemical fertilizers: By reducing dependence on chemical fertilizers, biofertilizers help to decrease the overall environmental impact of agriculture.

Types of Biofertilizers

Biofertilizers are microbial inoculants that improve plant growth and health by providing essential nutrients or improving soil fertility. The following are the types of biofertilizers:

  • Nitrogen-fixing biofertilizers: These bacteria, such as Rhizobia and Azotobacter, fix atmospheric nitrogen into a form that can be used by plants.
  • Phosphorus-solubilizing biofertilizers: These bacteria, such as Bacillus megaterium, can solubilize insoluble phosphorus compounds in the soil, making them available to plants.
  • Mycorrhizal biofertilizers: These are fungal biofertilizers that form a symbiotic relationship with plant roots, improving nutrient uptake and plant growth.
  • Compost biofertilizers: These are microorganisms added to compost to enhance the breakdown of organic matter and improve soil fertility.
  • Sulphur-oxidizing biofertilizers: These bacteria, such as Thiobacillus, oxidize sulphur compounds in the soil, making sulphur available to plants.
  • Potash mobilizing biofertilizers: These bacteria, such as Kocuria, solubilize insoluble potash compounds, making them available to plants

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