Verbs Notes – English Grammar Notes PDF for Academic and Competitive Exams

Verbs Notes: Verbs are an essential part of English grammar, as they express action, occurrence, or state of being. In this blog, we will explore the definition of verbs, provide examples, and discuss their different types.


A verb is a word that expresses action, occurrence, or state of being. It is a fundamental part of a sentence that conveys what the subject is doing, what is happening to the subject, or what the subject is like. Verbs can also express time, such as past, present, or future.

Examples of Verbs

  1. She runs every morning.
  2. The dog barked loudly.
  3. I am reading a book.
  4. They will arrive tomorrow.
  5. The car broke down on the highway.

Types of Verbs

There are several types of verbs, each with their own specific functions and characteristics. Here are some of the most common types of verbs:

  • Action verbs: These verbs express physical or mental actions, such as “run,” “dance,” “think,” or “read.”

Example: Sarah sings beautifully.

  • Linking verbs: These verbs connect the subject of a sentence to a word that describes or identifies it, such as “is,” “are,” “was,” or “were.”

Example: The flowers are blooming in the garden.

  • Auxiliary verbs: Also known as helping verbs, these verbs are used to form verb tenses, voice, or mood. Examples include “do,” “have,” “be,” “can,” and “will.”

Example: She has been studying for the exam all week.

  • Modal verbs: These verbs indicate likelihood, ability, permission, or obligation, such as “may,” “might,” “can,” “could,” “should,” and “must.”

Example: You should call your parents more often.

  • Transitive verbs: These verbs require a direct object to complete their meaning, such as “eat,” “drink,” or “write.”

Example: She wrote a letter to her friend.

  • Intransitive verbs: These verbs do not require a direct object, but instead express an action or state of being, such as “sleep,” “laugh,” or “run.”

Example: The sun is shining brightly.


Verbs play a crucial role in English grammar, as they help to convey action, occurrence, or state of being. By understanding the different types of verbs and their functions, you can improve your writing and speaking skills, and communicate more effectively in English. So, whether you are writing a story, giving a presentation, or having a conversation, remember to choose the right verb to convey your message accurately and effectively.

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