Taxonomy – Class 11 | Chapter – 1 | Short Notes Series PDF

Taxonomy: It deals with the principles and procedures of identification, nomenclature and classification of organisms. It reflects the natural and phylogenetic relationships among organisms. It also provides the details of external and internal structures, cellular structure and ecological information of organisms. The term taxonomy was coined by AP de Candolle, 1813.


Carolus Linnaeus is considered as the Father of Taxonomy. He is the one who developed a procedure to name and organize species. Even today this procedure is being followed. His contributions to taxonomy were

  • Hierarchical classification system
  • Binomial nomenclature system

According to Mason (1950) taxonomy is the synthesis of all the facts about the organisms into a concept and expression of the interrelationship of organisms.

Harrison (1959) defined taxonomy as the study of principles and practices of classification, in particular in methods, the principles and even in part, the result of biologicalclassification.

Simpson (1961) defines taxonomy as the theoretical study of classification, including its bases, principles, procedures, and rules.

Heywoods (1967) defined taxonomy as the way of arranging and interpreting information’s

Blackwelder (1967) explains it as the day to day practice of handling different kinds of organisms. It includes collection and identification of specimens, the publication of data, the study of literature and the analysis of variations shown by the specimens.· According to Johnson (1979), taxonomy is the science of placing biological form in order.

Christoffersen (1995) defines taxonomy as the practice of recognizing, naming and ordering taxa into a system of words consistent with any kind of relationships among taxa thatthe investigator has discovered in nature.

Need of Taxonomy

  • Study of organisms and research is easier due to taxonomy.
  • Taxonomy helps us to show natural relationships among organisms.
  • Taxonomy can show the phylogenetic relationship of organisms.

Taxonomy Examples 

Here is a taxonomy of a dog- 

(Canius lupus familiaris)
(Canius lupus)
Wolf, Dog
Jackal, Wolf, Dog
Fox, Jackal, Wolf, Dog 
Order →
Cat, Fox, Jackal, Wolf, Dog 
Class →
Rabbit, Cat, Fox, Jackal, Wolf, Dog 
Phylum →
Fish, Rabbit, Cat, Fox, Jackal, Wolf, Dog 
Insect, Fish, Rabbit, Cat, Fox, Jackal, Wolf, Dog
Domain →
Plant, Insect, Fish, Rabbit, Cat, Fox, Jackal, Wolf, Dog

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