Spectral Series – Class 12 | Chapter – 12 | Physics Short Notes Series PDF for NEET & JEE

Spectral Series: In atomic physics, a spectral series is a sequence of related electromagnetic radiation (usually light) emitted or absorbed by an atom. These series are characterized by a set of wavelengths or frequencies at which the radiation occurs, and they are named after their discoverers or otherwise designated by a letter or series of letters.

Types of Spectral Series

There are several spectral series of particular interest, including:

  • Balmer series: This series describes the visible light emitted by hydrogen atoms as their electrons transition from higher energy levels to the second energy level. The wavelengths of the light emitted range from 410 nm (violet) to 656 nm (red), and the series is named after Swiss physicist Johann Balmer.
  • Lyman series: This series describes the ultraviolet light emitted by hydrogen atoms as their electrons transition from higher energy levels to the first energy level. The wavelengths of the light emitted range from 91 nm to 121 nm, and the series is named after American physicist Theodore Lyman.
  • Paschen series: This series describes the infrared light emitted by hydrogen atoms as their electrons transition from higher energy levels to the third energy level. The wavelengths of the light emitted range from 820 nm to 1875 nm, and the series is named after German physicist Friedrich Paschen.
  • Brackett series: This series describes the infrared light emitted by hydrogen atoms as their electrons transition from higher energy levels to the fourth energy level. The wavelengths of the light emitted range from 1450 nm to 4050 nm, and the series is named after American physicist Frederick Brackett.

Other important spectral series include the Pfund series, which describes the infrared light emitted by hydrogen atoms as their electrons transition from higher energy levels to the fifth energy level, and the Humphreys series, which describes the infrared light emitted by hydrogen atoms as their electrons transition from higher energy levels to the sixth energy level.

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