Simple Present Tense Notes – English Grammar Notes PDF for Academic and Competitive Exams

Simple Present Tense Notes: The Simple Present Tense is one of the most common verb tenses in English. It is used to describe actions or events that happen regularly, habitually, or that are currently happening. It is also used to express general truths, scientific facts, and universal statements. In this blog, we will explore the Simple Present Tense in detail with examples.

Simple Present Tense

Structure of the Simple Present Tense: The structure of the Simple Present Tense is quite simple. The verb remains in its base form for all persons, i.e., first, second, and third person singular and plural.

Positive Sentences: Subject + Base Form of the Verb + Object


  • I eat breakfast every morning.
  • He studies at the library.
  • They play tennis every Saturday.

Negative Sentences: Subject + Do/Does + Not + Base Form of the Verb + Object


  • I do not eat meat.
  • He does not like coffee.
  • They do not play video games.

Interrogative Sentences: Do/Does + Subject + Base Form of the Verb + Object?


  • Do you speak Spanish?
  • Does she play the guitar?
  • Do they watch movies on weekends?

Interrogative Negative Sentences: Do/Does + Subject + Not + Base Form of the Verb + Object?


  • Do you not eat spicy food?
  • Does he not like sports?
  • Do they not study for exams?

Uses of the Simple Present Tense:

  • To describe habits or routines Example: I brush my teeth twice a day.
  • To express general truths or scientific facts Example: Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
  • To indicate a current state or condition Example: She looks tired today.
  • To describe actions in books, films, and plays Example: The hero defeats the villain in the end.
  • To express future events that are part of a schedule or timetable Example: The train leaves at 8 am tomorrow.

In conclusion, the Simple Present Tense is a versatile and useful tense that is used to describe present actions, habits, routines, and general truths. It is easy to use and easy to understand, making it an essential part of everyday communication in English.

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