Regions of the Root – Class 11 | Chapter – 5 | Short Notes Series PDF

Regions of the Root: Regions of the root are the various parts of the roots that perform various tasks and help the plant in absorption. Roots are the part of the plant that absorbs nutrients and water. The primary functions of roots are absorption, conduction, storage, and anchoring. The Root System is often considered to be the downwards portion of a plant’s axis. The Radicle is the first thing that germinates out of the seed. The radicle further matures to become the Taproot and gives off Secondary and Tertiary roots thus forming the Root System. 

Regions of the Root

Regions of the Root

1. Root cap region: It is a thimble-like structure produced by meristematic (rapidly dividing) zone and protects the tender apex (apical meristem) from harsh soil particles. As the root grows further down in soil, root cap wears out but it is constantly renewed . In aquatic plants (Pistia and water hyacinth) root cap is like a loose thimble, called root pocket.

2. Region of meristematic cells: It is a small region of actively dividing cells called the apical meristem. It consists of:

  • Dermatogen (outermost layer whose cells mature into epiblema and root cap);
  • Periblem (inner to dermatogen whose cells mature into cortex) and
  • Plerome (central region whose cells mature into stele). In monocots, cap is formed by independent group of cells known as Calyptrogen.

3. Region of elongation: This is situated next to the meristematic region, wherein, the cells elongate and enlarge to make the root grow in length.

4. Region of maturation: This is next to the region of elongation, wherein the cells mature and differentiate into various tissues constituting:

  • Root hair or piliferous region having unicellular hairs which absorb water and mineral salts from the soil and
  • Permanent region which lies behind the root hair zone and is without hairs. It produces lateral roots, anchors the plant in soil and conducts water and minerals upwards.

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