Plant Life Cycle – Class 11 | Chapter – 3 | Short Notes Series PDF

Plant Life Cycle: Plants are living things, they grow and reproduce like any other living thing. They follow a cyclic process of starting a new life, growing, and then coming back to the starting stage (reproducing). Plants start their life from seed and grow up to become mature plants.

Statges of Plant Life Cycle

  • Seed germination: This is the very initial stage of the plant life cycle, when the seed has oxygen, sunlight, optimum moisture, and a temperature it starts to grow. When the seed expands or swells by absorption of water, it will gradually crack or split the seed coat or it will begin to sprout.
    The root will grows downward.
  • Seedling formation: A tiny and fragile plant is known as a seedling. It starts growing towards sunlight when it gets the proper nutrients from the sun as well from the roots.
  • Growth and Development: In this stage, plants carry out a process called photosynthesis using sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to synthesize their own food in the form of sugar and store this energy for the further process during flowering and reproduction.
  • Differentiation: Plants become a mature plant and starts flowering when it has enough growth. Flowers will attract bees and pollinate insects and helps in pollination and fertilization, and the formation of fruit and seeds.
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