Physicists from Different Countries – Class 11 | Chapter – 1 | Physics Short Notes Series PDF for NEET & JEE

Physicists from Different Countries: Discovery and invention are two different words. Both the terms are often confusing because they sound like they are the same thing but in reality, these two words have completely different meanings. Discovery and Invention refer to bringing something new to light or shedding light on something new, respectively. Discovery and invention might allow us to better comprehend the fundamentals and their analogies.

What is Discovery?

Discovery refers to the process of finding out or uncovering something new, previously unknown or unseen, or previously unappreciated. It can refer to the discovery of a new scientific principle, the discovery of a new species of plant or animal, the discovery of a new artistic technique or genre, or the discovery of a new geographical location, among many other possibilities.

Discovery can be an intentional process, as when a scientist sets out to discover a new principle or a scholar sets out to discover a new text, or it can be accidental, as when a new species is found in the course of a routine survey, or a new artistic style is discovered through experimentation.

Discovery is a key aspect of human progress and creativity, and it is driven by curiosity, observation, and experimentation. It has been a powerful force in shaping human history and continues to play a critical role in advancing our understanding of the world and improving our lives.

What is Invention?

The invention is defined as the development of something new that never existed before by one’s effort, hard work, knowledge, ideas, experiments, and talents. In other words, the invention is the manufacture of something wholly new that has its applications and functions in the current world.

A person who develops or creates an invention is known as an inventor. The term “inventor” is derived from the Latin word which means “to find.” Although inventing is frequently connected with science and engineering, inventors are not always engineers or scientists.

There are numerous scientific discoveries that have significantly influenced the way we think and live throughout history. Discoveries not only improve our living standards but also help in the advancement of mankind like production of crop, medical applications etc.

List of Physicists from Different Countries




Newton Laws of motion 1687
Coulomb Law of electrostatic attraction 1779
Atom John Dalton 1808
J. Neepse Photography on metals 1826
G.S Ohm Law of Electric Resistance 1827
Archemedes Law of floatation 1827
Alfred Nobel  Dynamite 1867
Michael Faraday Electromagnetic Induction 1831
W.Fox Talbot Photography on paper 1835
Mendeleev Periodic Table 1888
Max Plank Quantum Theory 1900
Roentgen X Rays 1895
J.J.Thomson Electron 1897
Henry Becquerel Radioactivity 1896
Madam Curie Radium 1898
Marconi Wireless Telegram 1901
Sir J.S Fleming Diode Bulb 1904
Albert Einstein Principle of Relativity 1905
Albert Einstein Photo electric effect 1905
Rutherford Proton 1919
Lee de Forest Triode Bulb 1906
Neil Bohr & Rutherford Atomic Structure 1913
C.V Raman Raman Effect 1928
James Chadwick Neutron 1932
Anrico Fermi Nuclear Reactor 1942
Faraday Law of electrolytic dissociation

From the above discoveries we come to know that Raman effect was discovered by C.V Raman, Laws of motion by Newton, Radium by Madam Curie etc.

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