Chemistry MCQ on First Law of Thermodynamics for NEET, JEE, Medical and Engineering Exam 2022

MCQ on First Law of Thermodynamics: Chemistry is considered to be the most scoring subject in NEET JEE Exam. As it is one of the easiest scoring subjects, it is often ignored and undermined a subject. But if you want to get an edge over others, here is a tip, master NEET/JEE Chemistry concepts. Chemistry demands the attention of students in understanding reactions and concrete basic understanding but once done it only gets easier from there. Mastering NCERT syllabus for NEET/JEE Chemistry should be topping your list of to-do for chemistry.

MCQ on First Law of Thermodynamics

In this post we are providing you MCQ on First Law of Thermodynamics, which will be beneficial for you in upcoming NEET, JEE, Medical and Engineering Exams.

MCQ on First Law of Thermodynamics

Q1. The standard condition for enthalpy changes are _______.
a) the pressure of 100 kPa
b) temperature 298K
c) normal physical state
d) all of the above

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d) all of the above

Q2. The standard enthalpy change of neutralization involves the reaction of an acid with an alkali to form 1 mol of _______.
a) water
b) oxygen
c) nitrogen
d) anhydrous salt

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a) water

Q3. The application of law of thermodynamics to the enthalpy change was done by _______.
a) Newton
b) Sophocles
c) Hess’s
d) Lewis

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c) Hess’s

Q4. Changes in enthalpy in an exothermic reaction is _______.
a) positive
b) negative
c) constant
d) neutral

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b) negative

Q5. The change in the energy between a chemical reaction and the surroundings at constant temperature is called _______.
a) enthalpy
b) enthalpy change
c) enthalpy profile
d) dynamic enthalpy

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b) enthalpy change

Q6. The variations in enthalpy that can not be detected per calorimeter can be detected with the aid of _______.
a) Ohm’s law
b) Kreb’s law
c) Hess’s law
d) Newton’s law

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c) Hess’s law

Q7. To initiate a reaction the minimum energy which is required to break bonds is called _______.
a) bond energy
b) activation energy
c) breaking energy
d) ionization energy

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a) bond energy

Q8. The standard enthalpy change of neutralization involves the reaction of an acid with an alkali to form 1 mol of _______.
a) water
b) oxygen
c) nitrogen
d) anhydrous salt

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a) water

Q9. The energy required to sever a given covalent bond is named _______.
a) bond dissociation energy
b) bond enthalpy
c) bond energy
d) All of the above

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d) All of the above

Q10. Hess’s law states that a chemical reaction is independent of the route by which chemical reactions takes place while keeping the same _______.
a) initial conditions only
b) mid-conditions
c) final conditions only
d) initial and final conditions

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d) initial and final conditions

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