Major Domains of the Earth – Geography Notes PDF in English & Hindi for UPSC and Other Competitive Exams

Major Domains of the Earth: Major domains are interconnected and interdependent, and they collectively form the Earth’s physical and environmental systems. The interactions among these domains are critical for maintaining the planet’s habitability and supporting diverse life forms. Understanding these domains is essential for studying Earth’s processes, natural systems, and the impact of human activities on the environment.

Major Domains of the Earth

The major domains of the Earth refer to the four primary geographic areas or regions that make up the Earth’s surface. These domains are based on distinct physical and environmental characteristics. The four major domains of the Earth are:

  1. Lithosphere:
    • The lithosphere is the solid, outermost shell of the Earth.
    • It includes the Earth’s landforms, such as continents, islands, mountains, plateaus, and plains.
    • The lithosphere also encompasses the ocean floor, which consists of the continental shelf, continental slope, abyssal plain, and oceanic ridges.
    • The lithosphere is where human activities, including agriculture, cities, and infrastructure, are primarily located.
  2. Hydrosphere:
    • The hydrosphere comprises all the water on Earth, including surface water bodies like oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, and ponds, as well as groundwater and water vapor in the atmosphere.
    • It plays a crucial role in shaping the Earth’s climate, weather patterns, and ecosystems.
    • The hydrosphere is home to a diverse range of marine life, and it provides essential resources for human activities, such as drinking water, fisheries, and transportation.
  3. Atmosphere:
    • The atmosphere is the layer of gases that surrounds the Earth.
    • It is composed primarily of nitrogen and oxygen, with traces of other gases like carbon dioxide and argon.
    • The atmosphere is responsible for regulating the Earth’s climate and weather, as well as protecting it from harmful solar radiation.
    • It also contains the ozone layer, which shields the Earth from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.
    • The atmosphere is where weather phenomena, such as clouds, wind, and precipitation, occur.
  4. Biosphere:

    • The biosphere encompasses all living organisms on Earth and their interactions with the other domains.
    • It includes a wide range of ecosystems, from forests and grasslands to oceans and deserts.
    • The biosphere supports a vast array of plant and animal species, as well as microorganisms, and it plays a vital role in maintaining ecological balance.
    • Human activities have a significant impact on the biosphere, including deforestation, habitat destruction, and climate change.

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