Main Verbs Notes – English Grammar Notes PDF for Academic and Competitive Exams

Main Verbs Notes: Verbs are the backbone of a sentence as they express the action or state of being. A main verb, also known as a principal verb, is a verb that expresses the central meaning or action of a sentence. In other words, it is the verb that carries the main weight of the sentence.

Main Verbs

Let’s take a look at some examples of main verbs:

  • She sings beautifully. In this sentence, “sings” is the main verb as it conveys the primary action of the sentence, which is singing.
  • They played tennis yesterday. Here, “played” is the main verb as it expresses the main action that the subject “they” engaged in, which is playing tennis.
  • He is studying for his exams. The main verb in this sentence is “is studying” which conveys that the subject is currently engaged in studying for his exams.
  • The dog barked loudly. In this sentence, “barked” is the main verb as it conveys the primary action of the dog, which is barking.
  • The baby sleeps peacefully. Here, “sleeps” is the main verb as it expresses the state of the baby at the moment, which is sleeping.

Main verbs can also be classified as transitive or intransitive. A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object to complete its meaning, while an intransitive verb does not require a direct object.

Let’s take a look at some examples of transitive and intransitive main verbs:


  • She gave him the book. In this sentence, “gave” is a transitive verb as it requires a direct object, which is “the book”.
  • He opened the door. “Opened” is the transitive verb in this sentence as it requires a direct object, which is “the door”.


  • She laughed at the joke. In this sentence, “laughed” is an intransitive verb as it does not require a direct object.
  • The sun rose early today. “Rose” is the intransitive verb in this sentence as it does not require a direct object.

In conclusion, main verbs are an essential component of a sentence as they convey the primary action or state of being. It is important to identify the main verb in a sentence as it helps in understanding the meaning and structure of the sentence.

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