Magnetisation and Magnetic Intensity – Class 12 | Chapter – 5 | Physics Short Notes Series PDF for NEET & JEE

Magnetisation and Magnetic Intensity: Magnetization and magnetic intensity are both related to the magnetic properties of materials, but they are different concepts.

The relationship between magnetization and magnetic intensity is given by the magnetic susceptibility, which is a dimensionless constant that relates the magnetization of a material to the applied magnetic field. Magnetic susceptibility is typically represented by the symbol χ and is defined as the ratio of the magnetic moment per unit volume of the material to the magnetic field strength. It is a measure of how easily a material can be magnetized and how much magnetization it develops in response to a given magnetic field.

Magnetisation and Magnetic Intensity

Magnetization is a measure of the degree to which a material is magnetized. When a material is placed in a magnetic field, it can become magnetized, meaning that it develops its own magnetic field. Magnetization is defined as the magnetic moment per unit volume of the material and is typically represented by the symbol M. It is a vector quantity and has both magnitude and direction.

Magnetic intensity, on the other hand, is a measure of the strength of a magnetic field at a particular point. It is defined as the magnetic force acting on a unit magnetic pole placed at that point and is typically represented by the symbol H. Magnetic intensity is a vector quantity and has both magnitude and direction.

Properties of Magnetisation and Magnetic Intensity

Magnetization and magnetic intensity are both important properties of magnetic materials that describe their response to an applied magnetic field.

Properties of Magnetization:

  • Magnetization is a vector quantity, which means it has both magnitude and direction.
  • The magnitude of magnetization is determined by the strength of the magnetic field and the magnetic properties of the material.
  • The direction of magnetization is the same as the direction of the magnetic moment, which is a vector that points in the direction of the magnetic field.
  • The magnetization of a material can change over time due to factors such as changes in temperature, the magnetic field strength, and the orientation of the material.
  • Materials that have a higher magnetization are more strongly attracted to a magnetic field and can be magnetized more easily.

Properties of Magnetic Intensity:

  • Magnetic intensity is a vector quantity, which means it has both magnitude and direction.
  • The magnitude of magnetic intensity is determined by the strength of the magnetic field at a particular point.
  • The direction of magnetic intensity is the direction of the magnetic field at that point.
  • Magnetic intensity is related to the magnetic field strength and the magnetic properties of the material.
  • Magnetic intensity is used to calculate the magnetic force on a magnetic pole placed in the magnetic field.

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