Finite Verbs Notes – English Grammar Notes PDF for Academic and Competitive Exams

Finite Verbs Notes: Verbs are an essential part of a sentence. They indicate the action, occurrence, or state of being in a sentence. In grammar, a verb is either finite or non-finite. In this blog, we’ll be focusing on finite verbs.

Finite Verbs

A finite verb is a verb that shows agreement with its subject in person and number. In other words, a finite verb changes form based on the subject of the sentence. It can also express tense, mood, and voice.

Here are some examples of finite verbs in different tenses and moods:

Present Tense:

  • She walks to school every day.
  • They dance in the park.

Past Tense:

  • He talked to me yesterday.
  • We studied for the exam last night.

Future Tense:

  • I will call you later.
  • They are going to travel to Europe next month.

Conditional Mood:

  • If I were rich, I would buy a house.
  • She could have gone to the party if she wanted to.

Imperative Mood:

  • Come here now!
  • Please, be quiet.

Passive Voice:

  • The cake was baked by the baker.
  • The car was repaired by the mechanic.

As you can see, finite verbs can take on different forms depending on the subject and the tense or mood of the sentence. They are essential in expressing a complete thought and creating a grammatically correct sentence.

It is also worth noting that in English, the finite verb is always the second element in a declarative sentence. For example, in the sentence “She is studying for her exam,” the finite verb “is” comes after the subject “she.”

In conclusion, finite verbs are verbs that change form based on the subject and express tense, mood, and voice. They are crucial in creating a complete sentence and conveying a specific meaning.

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