Electrical Energy Power – Class 12 | Chapter – 3 | Physics Short Notes Series PDF for NEET & JEE

Electrical Energy Power: Electrical energy is the energy that is generated, stored, and transported in an electrical system. It can be converted into other forms of energy, such as heat, light, or mechanical energy, and is commonly measured in units of joules (J).

Electrical Energy Power

Electrical power, on the other hand, is the rate at which electrical energy is being generated, used, or transferred. It is defined as the amount of electrical energy produced, used, or transferred per unit time, and is commonly measured in units of watts (W). Electrical power can be calculated using the formula:

Power (P) = Voltage (V) * Current (I)

where V is the voltage, I is the current, and P is the power. The voltage and current can be measured at any point in an electrical circuit, and their product gives the power being generated, used, or transferred at that point.

It’s important to note that electrical power is a time-varying quantity, meaning that it can change with time. For example, an electrical device that is turned on and off multiple times in a day is said to be varying its power output. This is why electrical power is often described in terms of instantaneous power, average power, or RMS power.

Units of Electrical Energy Power

The basic unit of electrical energy is the joule or watt-second. An electrical energy is said to be one joule when one ampere of current flows through the circuit for a second when the potential difference of one volt is applied across it. The commercial unit of electrical energy is the kilowatt-hour (kWh) which is also known as the Board of trade unit (B.O.T).

  • 1 kwh = 1000 × 60 × 60 watt – second
  • 1 kwh = 36 × 105 Ws or Joules
  • Generally, one kwh is called one unit.

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