Discover hidden truths about yourself with our ‘First Sight’ perception test!

Discover hidden truths about yourself with our 'First Sight' perception test!

Are you intrigued by the fascinating world of psychology and personality analysis? Ever wondered if what you perceive first can reveal intricate details about your subconscious? Our innovative personality test does exactly that.

This unique test is designed to uncover your subconscious beliefs by interpreting what you notice first in various images or situations. It’s an engaging exploration into the depths of your mind, providing insights into your character traits, strengths, weaknesses, and even hidden fears or desires.

The human mind is a complex entity and its understanding forms the cornerstone of psychology. Our perceptions are deeply influenced by our subconscious mind, which houses our deepest beliefs, experiences, and thoughts. This personality test uses this principle to help you gain self-awareness and personal growth.

Intricately designed by psychology experts, this test is not just accurate but also fun and insightful. Whether you’re looking to understand yourself better, improve your relationships or simply discover more about human nature, this personality test is a step towards self-discovery.

Please note that while this tool provides valuable insights into your personality, it should not replace professional psychological advice. Always consult with a qualified professional for matters concerning mental health.

Discover hidden truths about yourself with our 'First Sight' perception test!
© Learning Mantras


If you first noticed the tree, you are likely someone who values stability and growth. Trees symbolize strength, long life, and grounding. Your subconscious beliefs may be rooted in traditions and a desire for continual personal development. You probably have a strong connection with nature and the environment.

As a tree person, you’re likely to be patient, dependable, and resilient – just like a tree standing firm regardless of the weather. Your ability to adapt to changes while maintaining your core values is one of your strongest attributes.

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You are also likely to be deeply thoughtful, often considering the bigger picture in your decisions.


Spotting the gorilla first suggests a personality that’s both powerful and protective. Gorillas symbolize leadership, intelligence, strength and loyalty; therefore, your subconscious beliefs likely gravitate towards these qualities.

As a gorilla person, you are probably assertive and determined, yet gentle when it comes to dealing with those you care about. You may have an instinctive need to protect those around you, showing great courage when needed.

Besides, your sense of empathy is likely well-developed, allowing you to understand others deeply. This makes you an excellent friend and confidant.


If your eyes were drawn to the lion first, you might have a personality marked by courage, authority and personal power. Lions symbolize bravery, command, and nobility – traits likely mirrored in your subconscious beliefs.

As a lion person, you’re fearless in facing challenges and taking charge when necessary. You’re driven by a desire for respect and recognition from others because of your accomplishments. Your natural charisma makes you a born leader, and people often look to you for guidance.

Despite your strong exterior, you have a big heart and a warm, generous spirit.

Thanks a bunch for diving into your subconscious with us! Be sure to swing by our website often for more fun personality tests. Why not share this test with your pals? Remember, it’s all in the name of good fun, without any scientific backing. Enjoy!

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