Dioecious Plant – Class 12 | Chapter – 1 | Short Notes Series PDF

Dioecious Plant: Dioecious plants have sperate male and female plants. They do not have the male and female flowers on the same plant. For example, plum pine, osage orange, cottonwood, etc.


Dioecious Plant

A dioecious is one where the male and female reproductive systems occur on separate plants. While both plants produce flowers, one plant has the male reproductive parts and the other plant has the female parts. A dioecious requires two separate plants (a male and a female) to successfully pollinate, and only the female plant bears the fruit. Date palm is dioecious because these plants bear exclusively either male flowers or female flowers.

  • The plants do not have female and male flowers on one plant, only one sex organ is borne on one plant.
  • Dioecious plants are also known as unisexual plants.
  • Example: Date palm, Papaya, and Marchantia.


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