Connective Tissues – Class 11 | Chapter – 7 | Short Notes Series PDF

Connective Tissues: It is a fundamental animal tissue that has scattered living cells embedded in matrix. The matrix and cells are different in different connective tissues. Matrix is the ground substance and is secreted by the living cells of the connective tissue. It may be jelly-like, fluid or solid. In all connective tissues except blood, the cells (fibroblasts) secrete fibres of structural proteins called collagen or elastin that provide strength, elasticity and flexibility to tissue.

Types of Connective Tissues

Connective tissues contain three types of fibres: collagen, elastic and reticular

  • Collagen fibres are the most widespread and made up of fibrous protein, collagen. Collagen fibres are flexible and have high tensile strength (comparable to steel).
  • Elastic fibres form a network and can be stretched like a rubber band. They are made up of protein elastin. They retain their original shape and size once the force is removed.
  • Reticulate fibres consist of collagen and glycoproteins. They are thin and form a delicate network. They join connective tissues to neighbouring tissues.

Functions of Connective Tissues

  • It helps in binding the different structures of the body. For example, muscle with bone, bone with bone, and muscle with skin.
  • It forms the packing material in different organs.
  • Skeletal connective tissue like bones and cartilage forms supportive framework of the body.
  • Fluid connective tissue like blood forms an internal transport system of the body.
  • The cells present inside connective tissue protect the body against microbes and toxins.
  • It also forms shock absorbing cushions around organs like eye, heart and kidneys.
  • It helps in connecting, binding, packing and supporting different structures of the animal body. Thus, it helps the body to function as an integrated whole.

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