Biodiversity – Class 12 | Chapter – 15 | Biology Short Notes Series PDF

Biodiversity: Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth, including the diversity of species, ecosystems, and genetic diversity within species. Biodiversity plays a critical role in maintaining the health of ecosystems and the services they provide, such as clean air and water, soil formation, and climate regulation. Biodiversity is also important for human well-being, as many of our food, medicine, and cultural resources come from the natural world.

Importance of Biodiversity

  • Ecosystem Services: Biodiversity plays a critical role in maintaining the health of ecosystems and the services they provide, such as clean air and water, soil formation, pollination of crops, and climate regulation. The loss of biodiversity can lead to ecosystem instability and the decline of these services, which can have far-reaching consequences for human and environmental health.

  • Food Security: Many of our food resources come from the natural world, including crops, livestock, and seafood. Biodiversity is important for ensuring food security, as a diverse range of species provides a resilient and sustainable food supply.
  • Medicinal and Cultural Resources: Biodiversity is a source of medicine and cultural resources, including traditional medicines and cultural practices that are based on the use of species and ecosystems.
  • Economic Value: Biodiversity has significant economic value, including through the provision of ecosystem services, recreation, and tourism.
  • Scientific and Educational Value: Biodiversity is also important for scientific and educational purposes, as it provides a rich source of information about the natural world, the evolution of species, and the functioning of ecosystems.

Threats to Biodiversity

Threats to biodiversity include:

  • Habitat Destruction: Human activities such as deforestation, urbanization, and the conversion of land for agriculture and other uses are leading to the loss of natural habitats, which can have significant impacts on biodiversity.
  • Over-Exploitation of Species: Over-harvesting, hunting, and fishing can lead to the decline of individual species and loss of biodiversity.
  • Climate Change: Climate change is having a profound impact on biodiversity, as changing temperatures, precipitation patterns, and other environmental factors can alter the distribution of species and the functioning of ecosystems.
  • Introduction of Invasive Species: The introduction of non-native species can lead to the displacement of native species and the alteration of ecosystems.
  • Pollution: Exposure to pollutants, such as chemicals and plastics, can have toxic effects on individual species and can harm biodiversity.
  • Overexploitation of Natural Resources: The unsustainable use of natural resources, such as water and minerals, can lead to the degradation of habitats and the loss of biodiversity.

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