Adaptation – Class 12 | Chapter – 13 | Biology Short Notes Series PDF

Adaptation: It refers to the process of adjusting or changing in response to new circumstances, environments or conditions. It can refer to the modifications made by organisms to better survive in their habitat, or the modifications made by people, systems or organizations to better function in a changing environment. In a broader sense, it can refer to the creative process of modifying existing ideas, technologies, or products to meet new needs and challenges.

Causes of Adaptation

  • Environmental changes: Changes in temperature, precipitation, light, and other environmental factors can trigger adaptations in organisms to ensure their survival.
  • Evolutionary pressure: Over time, species that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on their adaptive traits to their offspring. This process of natural selection leads to the evolution of species.
  • Competition: Competition for resources such as food, mates, or living space can drive adaptations in organisms.
  • Innovation: In human societies, technological and cultural innovations can lead to changes in the way people live and work, and require adaptations in organizations, systems, and institutions.
  • Social and cultural factors: Changes in social and cultural norms, values, and beliefs can drive adaptations in people and societies.

Types of Adaptations

  • Physiological: Changes in an organism’s physical and chemical processes to better survive in its environment.
  • Structural: Changes in the physical structure of an organism, such as body shape, size, or coloration, that help it better survive in its environment.
  • Behavioral: Changes in an organism’s behavior, such as migration patterns or mating habits, that help it better survive in its environment.
  • Technological: Changes in the use of technology by humans to better meet their needs and solve problems.
  • Cultural: Changes in the beliefs, values, norms, and practices of human societies to better meet their needs and respond to changing circumstances.
  • Organizational: Changes in the structure and processes of organizations to better meet their goals and respond to new challenges and opportunities.

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