Active Transport in Plants – Class 11 | Chapter – 11 | Biology Short Notes Series PDF

Active Transport in Plants: Active transport is a kind of cellular transportation which is involved in the movement of molecules across membranes of cells from an area of lower concentration to that of an area having higher concentration. This happens against the concentration gradient. The process of active transportation necessitates cellular energy in order to move. Active transportation commonly occurs in root hair cells, walls of the small intestine (villi) etc.

Types of Active Transport in Plants

  • Primary active transport: It utilizes adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
  • Secondary active transport: It utilizes an electrochemical gradient (typically Na+ or H+).

Examples of Active Transport in Plants

  • Phagocytosis of bacteria by Macrophages.
  • Movement of Ca2+ ions out of cardiac muscle cells.
  • Transportation of amino acids across the intestinal lining in the human gut.
  • Secretion of proteins like enzymes, peptide hormones, and antibodies from different cells.
  • Functioning of the White Blood Cells by protecting our body by attacking diseases causing microbes and other foreign invaders.

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